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The programme itself is normally run as 4 x 2.5 hours however I am happy to run the sessions over 2 days. This is a great way to meet others and establish friendships too. You will receive the following...


  • Hypnobirthing manual

  • 5x MP3's

  • Professional scripts 

Class One


Class one is designed to open your mind to a different way of thinking and if your partner is sceptical somewhat then they will enjoy learning the science behind it all in this class. You and your birth partner will lay a great foundation upon which to grow in confidence.


  • Bust any negative beliefs you may have about birth.

  • Get comfortable with what we mean by hypnosis. There are no swinging watches and getting you to cluck like a chicken we promise.

  • Familiarise yourself with the physiology of birth so you can connect with your body and let go of worrying about how it will work whilst birthing. You will be fascinated to find out why you are designed in a particular way.

  • Understand how the mind interprets PAIN… so that you can learn how to manage and control it.

  • Take charge of your thoughts so that you can enjoy your pregnancy and look forward to your birth, rather than feeling anxious and worried when it is a time for joy and happiness.

  • The Media and how they can influence your thinking and those around you.

  • Learn techniques to help calm your mind so that you become more positive.

  • Avoid the negativity of others and learn techniques to avoid the negativity of others….The Cloak of protection will be a great tool for the rest of your life!

Class Two


Learn how to become an expert in relaxation so that you can feel calm, relaxed and in control in the lead up to and during your baby’s birth. Class two will focus on the techniques that will help you stay calm and how your birth partner can support you with that. What does relaxation mean to you and how long does it take for you to really feel relaxed?


  • Discover how to use your breath during labour to enable the birth cocktail of hormones to flow in just the right way.

  • Learn how to distract your mind away from your body so that you can distance yourself from any pain.

  • Set up useful anchors to relaxation that you can use any time you want any extra boost of those feel good hormones

  • Feel confident in the fact that your partner is learning how to use all of these tools and techniques with you, so that they can help you use them on the day.

  • More focus on relaxation and how to practice effectively

Class Three


Class three is all about learning to connect with your emotions and bonding with your baby. You will need to take time to consider what is important to you when you are birth planning and know what options are available to you.


  • Know how to connect emotionally and physically with your baby

  • Where do you want to birth?

  • What do you want your birthing environment to be like?

  • Who do you want to be with you?

  • How do you want to get labour started?

  • These are the kinds of questions you will be exploring, so that you can plan for the birth you want.

  • Experience a powerful FEAR RELEASE session so that you can look forward to your baby’s birth.

Class Four


Bringing it all together so that you feel confident, ready and prepared for your very special day. Class four provides much information for your birth partner so that they can be the best support that they can be for you on the day. This class will help you both make informed decisions on the day. After all, you will only get one chance to birth your baby!


  • The focus is on your birth partner so that they fully understand how you want them to support you on the day.

  • Enjoy Soothing Strokes an incredibly simple form of light massage to stimulate your body’s natural pain relief.

  • Use your B.R.A.I.N.S. to make sure that you have a structure way to ask questions if required.

  • Explore the best Birthing Positions to support an easier more comfortable birth.

  • Learn birth humming to help avoid unnecessary forced pushing for birth.

  • Walk through your labour and birth from it getting started to holding your baby in your arms and how what you have been learning fits in with that.

  • Bring all your learning together so that you fully prepared and ready to achieve the right birth on the day for you, your partner and your baby.

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